
How to boil the perfect eggs every time without tampering its shape?


Eggs add to the softness and sponginess of cakes, patties pastries, and cookies. Dietitians recommend them in a high-protein diet and their health benefits are quite known to mothers around the world.

You can consume this versatile food item in numerous forms, but a boiled egg is one of the healthiest ways.

What could be a more wholesome breakfast than a perfectly boiled egg, a bowl full of cereals and a cup of coffee or juice!

But the question is:

Is it really so easy to boil an egg?

You are most likely to say yes, it is an easy job. But, professionals and food enthusiasts will beg to differ. Boiling too long will lead to the yolk becoming hard while not boiling enough will leave a raw egg.

Boiling an egg requires expertise and here we are sharing the two ways to boil a perfect egg:

1. The Conventional way

The conventional way to boil an egg is in a water-filled utensil over a gas stove.

Take a utensil and fill it with water. The water should be enough to drown the egg. Using purified water is recommended. Let the water come to boil. Once the water has reached the optimal temperature, add the eggs slowly to the water so that they do not break. Take the help of a spoon or a ladle to put the eggs in the water.

Health tip — If the egg does not drown and floats on the top, it means the egg is spoilt and should be discarded immediately.

A perfectly boiled egg should be boiled for 10 minutes. However, if you prefer a gooey yolk, 6 minutes is also considered fine.  Remove the egg/s from the water after the desired time is up. Leaving the egg in hot water continues the cooking process. Run them under cold water or put them in a bowl full of cold water. Let them rest in a bowl, and peel them off after 2-4 minutes. Use egg cups to keep them upright and intact.

Well, as is obvious most home cooks, will not be following this process. First, most Indian households will not have a food-grade thermometer to check on the boiling point of water. Second, they will boil and serve as per convenience. Tracking time while running around arranging for tiffin and breakfast, or catching up with other kitchen work in the evenings or at night, leads to a not-so-perfect experience. It is not unusual for family members to be served half-cooked or over-cooked boiled eggs.

2. The Advanced way

Advancements in technology can now be seen in the way to boil eggs. All you need is an Egg boiler, a kitchen appliance that takes away the manual effort and mental strain of boiling the perfect egg.  What’s more, you can choose from the various settings of hard, medium or soft, to cater to the different needs of your family members. Place the egg on the flat heating plate to hold up to seven eggs in upright positions, choose a setting and switch on the appliance. Within a few minutes, you will have an egg, boiled to perfection with no damage whatsoever to its oval shape!

In the end, which way would you prefer to boil the perfect egg? An Egg boiler which takes away the hassles, or the conventional way, which requires constant supervision?

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