
Things you should know about cancer misdiagnosis in NYC

Things you should know about cancer misdiagnosis in NYC

Dubbed “The Big Apple,” NYC is also known as the world’s financial capital due to the presence of numerous financial exchanges in the town and the NYSE. It is also one of the most lively cities in the world. The culture, food, and business opportunities are what make this city great. 

However, the city’s vibrancy is contrasting to the high mortality rates due to chronic diseases. On average, more than 40,000 people in the city are diagnosed with cancer each year. Lung, prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer account for half of the cancer diagnoses in the city. 

However,  the doctors might wrongfully diagnose cancer or detect cancer at the last stage due to negligence. Such negligence or misdiagnosis causes the patient to suffer mentally from the looming threat of chronic diseases. This may result in emotional distress, loss in income, expenditure on medication, and much more. 

In NYC, roughly ten to twenty percent of cancer cases are misdiagnosed, which is a large number. In such cases, you can hire Cancer Lawyers in NYC to represent you and ensure you get fair compensation. These lawyers specialize in such malpractice cases and have years of experience dealing with clients like you. 

Here’s what you must know about cancer misdiagnosis in NYC:

What constitutes cancer misdiagnosis?

There are a couple of scenarios that could be deemed as a misdiagnosis.

  • Firstly, when a healthcare professional fails to identify cancer despite clear indications, signs, or symptoms and gives the patient a clean chit.
  • Secondly, when the professional misdiagnoses cancer as any other ailment or condition.

To identify a misdiagnosis, there has to be clear evidence that cancer was detected but was ignored or neglected by health care professionals. For instance, if the report indicates lung cancer, but the doctors do not acknowledge it, it can be construed as medical malpractice.

Causes of misdiagnosis

  • Doctors do not recommend the proper tests to detect cancer.
  • A mistake made by the radiology department or other departments to read or diagnose the reports accurately. 
  • Diagnosing the symptoms of cancer as any other disease.
  • Doctors are not performing due diligence towards the patients by not paying attention to their complaints or problems. Such cases tend to be grueling for the patients. 

Cancer misdiagnosis lawsuit

There are several options to deal with such incidents. Commonly, people attempt to seek reparations from the doctors or medical body accountable for the misdiagnosis. Experienced cancer lawyers in NYC can prove invaluable in claiming the compensation that you’re entitled to. 

In most cases, the legal strategy is often twofold. Firstly, the lawyers prove to the courts that there was negligence by the staff, doctors, or the medical body involved in the particular case. 

Secondly, the lawyers prove the suit is filed within two and a half years of reasonable malpractice discovery. It is known as Lavern’s law that was introduced in the New York State Law in 2018. 

Compensation amount for cancer misdiagnosis

The victim of such cases can seek compensation for the following:

  • Cost of medical treatments
  • Coverage for other medical expenses, such as tests, medicines, etc. 
  • Compensation for emotional distress and suffering
  • If the family of the deceased files the case, then they can claim compensation for the loss of life.
  • Reparation for any loss in income or support. 

Consider hiring an experienced lawyer to expedite the process. A seasoned lawyer will always value your desires and will work to get you the rightful compensation.

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