
What’s Your Favorite Biome in Minecraft?

What's Your Favorite Biome in Minecraft

Minecraft is one of the famous video games of all time. Compatible with various operating systems and consoles, the game had over 140 million active global players at the start of 2021. Over the years, several biomes have been added to the game.

The article will take you through different biome types and Minecraft’s 8 rarest biomes.

What are Biomes?

A biome in Minecraft is typically a region with varying geographical features like height, temperature, vegetation, land, or water bodies. For example, a biome could be a dense forest, a sparse desert, or snowy mountains. 

You also have mobs that can spawn depending on the biome type. These mobile creatures could be hostile, passive, or neutral. Again, specific conditions have to be fulfilled for the mobs to spawn.

What are the Different Types of Biomes?

You could enhance your gaming skills by learning about different biomes. For example, if you encounter a desert biome, it would be helpful to know there will not be many trees around, so you should be carrying resources like wood on your mission.

The five main categories of biomes are:

  • Lush
  • Dry
  • Ocean
  • Cold
  • Snowy

At any point in the game, to know what biome you are in, you could press F3. This works even if you are underground or flying. You will find the biome type on the left-hand side of the screen. 

These categories are further divided into different biomes. For example, under the Lush category, you will find different biomes like Plains which have plentiful grass blocks. Forest biomes are the best places to start survival missions as you will find many oak trees here.

Desert, Savannah, and Badlands biomes fall under the Dry category. These biomes are inhospitable. You will have to stock enough supplies for missions as these biomes have no rainfall and low vegetation.   

Biomes like Ice Plains and Cold Taiga fall under the Snowy category. These biomes are challenging to survive. As the region is snow-covered, not many trees grow here. Extreme Hills is an example of the Cold type. The weather could be rainy or snowy, depending on your alleviation. 

If the Ocean biomes are shallow, you can wade or swim through them. However, Deep Ocean biomes could be 30 blocks deep, and it would be best to use a boat to get across.

What are Minecraft’s Rarest Biomes? 

  • Modified Jungle Edge
  • Modified Badlands Plateau
  • Snowy Taiga Mountains
  • Mushroom Fields
  • Bamboo Jungle
  • Ice Spikes
  • Gravelly Mountains
  • Eroded Badlands

Modified Jungle Edge is the rarest of the rare when it comes to Minecraft’s biomes. As a result, the chances of this biome appearing are less than 0.0001{c9311e469aaad18abc8a63caea72375af245f5e814d44303695bfd942d6019a3}. Rare biomes typically represent a much harsher version of the biome they derive inspiration from. For example, Snowy Taiga Mountain terrain is irregular, steep, and high, making navigation difficult.

Biomes make the game exciting and provide you with new challenges to overcome. Special conditions like two major biomes meetings have to be fulfilled for a rare biome to appear. Now that you know what Minecraft’s 8 rarest biomes are, you could be better prepared when you find an opportunity to explore them. Did your favorite biome make it to this list?

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