
What are Learning Disorders and How to Recognize Them in My Kids?


Is your child having a lot of trouble at school? Is he or she scared of reading out loud, doing their homework or solving a math problem? While it’s normal for most kids to go through some of these problems, in many cases they might be an indicator of a more serious issue: learning disorders.

Learning disorders are conditions that affect the child’s information processing skills that may result in difficulty learning the language, reading, speech or mathematics.

While we usually associate learning disorders with difficulty reading or solving math problems, paying attention at school and staying focused in general, these issues may affect children’s communication skills and make it more difficult to connect with peers, make friends and find their place in their school. They often need professional advocates to ensure they feel comfortable and not alienated from other children and teachers alike.

By understanding what learning disorders are and how to recognize them, you can help your children get ahead and overcome any classroom problems they might be experiencing.

What are Learning Disorders?

The term learning disorder encompasses an array of different learning disabilities. It’s worth mentioning that these disabilities have nothing to do with motivation or intelligence. Children suffering from learning disabilities are not lazy or unintelligent. In fact, they might even be smarter than their peers or excel at a particular area. The problem is in the way their brain operates that’s different from how most other kids do. This affects their ability to receive and process any information that comes to them.

People with learning disabilities simply perceive the world differently, whether they have a problem with their sense of smell, hearing, seeing or understanding. This influences the way they process information and learn new skills and how they use them. Most common types of learning disorders are linked to math, reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Children with Learning Disorders Can Still Excel at School!

Finding out your child has a learning disorder can be tough, as no parents want to see their kids bullied for being different or branded by teachers, which is why companies like Pacific Coast Advocates were founded to help your children excel at school.

You are likely wondering what this means for your child in the future or worry about whether they will be able to finish schooling. Most parents are worried about their kids being labeled or demeaned because of their problem.

However, you have to remember that children with learning disabilities are just as smart as their peers and only need some guidance to express their hidden skills. They need teachers able to impart knowledge in a way that fits their unique learning style.

How to Recognize Learning Disorders in Children?

The symptoms of a learning disability vary from child to child, depending on the nature of the disability. While some children have troubles spelling or reading, others have serious problems solving math tasks.  Other kids might have problems understanding what other people are saying or getting a message across themselves. While the problems vary, they are all considered learning disorders.

Therefore, identifying the symptoms is not always easy. Because they vary so much, you can’t point to a single symptom or group of symptoms and claim the child has a learning disability. Yet there are some signs indicating your child may have a learning disability. These signs usually appear at a certain age. If you recognize the warning signs in time, you’ll be able to help your child adapt better.

Most Common Learning Disorder Symptoms in Children

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common signs of a learning disorder in various age groups. However, remember that some of these symptoms are common in all children, even those without a learning disorder. But if your child’s learning problem endures, you should seek an expert’s opinion.

The Symptoms of a learning disorder in preschoolers
  • Trouble pronouncing words
  • Trouble finding the words to express themselves
  • Trouble rhyming words
  • Trouble learning different colors, shapes, days or the alphabet
  • Trouble following directions
  • Trouble drawing or coloring within lines
  • Trouble buttoning up, zipping their pants or tying their shoes

The Symptoms of a learning disorder in Children between Ages 5 and 9
  • Trouble connecting letters to sounds
  • Trouble uttering words
  • Trouble recognizing words
  • Trouble acquiring new skills
  • Trouble spelling
  • Trouble learning math
  • Unable to tell the time
The Symptoms of a learning disorder in Children between Ages 10 and 13
  • Difficulty passing reading or math tests
  • Trouble answering open-ended questions
  • Avoids reading and writing
  • Undiscernible handwriting
  • Trouble organizing their room or homework assignments
  • Trouble following classroom debates
  • Varying spelling for the same word in the same document

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