
Enjoy a Variety of Food During Your Chicago Visit


Food tour Chicago offers plenty of delectable foods to try. The list is long and you can always find something as per your budget.

If you visit any food tour website you will find many different foods that are mouthwatering. Few of them are mentioned below.

  • Are you interested to eat original hot dog of Chicago? Your hot dog will be loaded with mustard, sliced tomatoes, freshly chopped onions, kosher pickle and sports peppers all nestled in a poppy seed bun.
  • During your Chicago food tour do not forget to visit Walnut Room and order for Chicken Pot Pie, which is a dish popular since 1890.
  • Eat Numero Uno deep dish pizza from a mainstay since 1943. The pizza is loaded with pepperoni, sausage, pepper, onions, mushrooms and also chunky tomato sauce, which is topped with romano and mozzarella.
  • Enjoy the brunch staple with cinnamon roll duo that was a favorite food for last 60 years available in three different locations in Chicago.

  • Eat sandwich which is not made with bread, but with fried green plantains where you can put the filling of your choices like meat or vegetables or seafood. This was invented in Chicago.
  •  If you have sweet tooth then eat creamy cheesecake with crisp butter cookie crusts.
  • Visit Gene & Georgetti, the first steakhouse of Chicago, which was founded in 1941 and get many different options for beef.
  • Interested in Italian beef sandwich? Visit Al’s Italian Beef who is stalwart of sandwich since 1938.
  • If you ever visit Chicago during summer months then visit Mario Italian Lemonade, which remains open during the month of May to September.
  • Visit one of the oldest restaurants in Chicago since 1932 for BBQ item.

You may click here for more information on many other Chicago foods.

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