
Cryptosporidium – The Dangers and How to Get Rid of It

Cryptosporidium - The Dangers and How to Get Rid of It

Cryptosporidium infection, also called cryptosporidiosis, is an illness that is caused by cryptosporidium parasites.  They enter into your body and travel to your small intestines and burrow into the walls.  When this happens, a person suffers severe diarrhoea, and if left untreated can be life-threatening.

You will notice the following symptoms if you have cryptosporidium in your body:

  • Stomach pain
  • Watery diarrhoea
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

You can catch this disease if you touch anything that has come into contact with contaminated faeces.  This disease is commonly caught through:

1. Drinking contaminated water

Sometimes, drinking water directly from the faucet is very unsafe.  The pipes may have been broken causing dirt, bacteria, and other diseases to enter and mix with the water that flows through those pipes.  That is why it is important not to leave broken or damaged pipes unattended.  Once you notice this, do not hesitate to contact a professional to fix it.  The best emergency plumbing Croydon company is just within your fingertips.

2. Swimming in contaminated water

Whether it’s a pool or a lake, there are huge chances that someone with cryptosporidium swam or is swimming with you.  And while you’re having fun, sometimes you tend to swallow some water, especially children.

3. Eating raw or contaminated food

Bacteria, moulds, amoeba, and other parasites love to breed in raw food.  So it’s very easy to get this disease if you consume them.

4. Putting your hand in your mouth

Licking your fingers, or touching food with dirty hands and putting them in your mouth contribute to the contamination of this disease.  That’s why small children are often victims of diarrhoea because they love to put their hands inside their mouth.

Cryptosporidium is a dangerous disease that should not be ignored.  It can grow and multiply in your body, weaken your immune system, dehydrate you, inflame your gallbladder, liver, and pancreas, and put you in a critical condition.  A lot of people, especially children, die from this disease.

Places with no proper sewage system and source of clean water are usually hit with cryptosporidium. However, since it is everywhere, we should be mindful of our surroundings and exercise precaution as well.

Here are the things that we can do:

1. Good Hygiene –

Alcohol-based sanitizers do not kill cryptosporidium. So washing your hands often with soap and water is your best protection from this disease.  Don’t forget to wash your hands after changing diapers or using the toilet.

2. Wash your food –

Wash your vegetables, fruits, and other raw food with clean uncontaminated water thoroughly at all times, especially if you eat them raw.  If you eat out and you are uncertain of the preparation, avoid raw or partially cooked food at all times

3. Drink purified water –

Cryptosporidium is commonly found in water. Make sure you only consume water from safe sources, and if possible, choose purified water.  If in doubt, and bottled water or water purifier is unavailable, you may boil the water first before drinking.

To protect your family, make sure that the water in your home is safe.  Have regular plumbing maintenance, and clean your surroundings to keep rodents and pests off your property, as they may also be carriers of this disease.  Always practice cleanliness and safety.

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