
Four Curious Phenomenon in Science


Discover these interesting concepts that will contribute towards NCERT solutions for class 9 science. The science that you study is such a fascinating subject and some of its applications and effects baffle us. Let’s explore a few of them:


Ever wondered why a cricket ball tends to strangely swerve away from an intended path when a bowler throws it? Or why a tennis ball doesn’t travel straight even though you hit it straight? Well, this effect has a name and it’s called the “Magnus Effect.” This happens when a spherical object in motion has a spin and this causes the airflow around the object to change. This results in a lift, or the Magnus force.

Liquid, Water, and Gas

Your NCERT textbooks won’t tell you this strange fact, but did you know that water can exist as a solid, liquid and gas – all at the same time? Sounds like science fiction, but it isn’t. In thermodynamics, this term is called as “Triple Effect”. This means that the temperature and pressure allows a particular substance to coexist in three phases (Solid, liquid, and gas).

Strange Lights

Imagine you are in a completely dark room that lacks any identifiable features, and then a very dim source of light is brought in front of you. Now, the light is completely stationary and doesn’t move. But the longer you look at it, the more you feel that the light is moving even though it’s not. This phenomenon is called the “Autokinetic Effect”. This happens because there is no frame of reference and also cause of the imperceptible movement of your eyeballs. This effect was first described by astronomers viewing a single star on a very dark night.

Seeing Faces

Some people see patterns in clouds, clothes and maybe random pieces of wood. There are even reports of people selling bread toast on eBay that seemingly resembles the face of Jesus Christ. Back in the 1970s, NASA sent two space probes to study Mars and one of them captured a picture of the surface, and when people saw this particular picture, they claimed to see a “face”. This phenomenon of people associating features and characteristics to seemingly featureless and inanimate objects is called “Pareidolia.”

These were four curious phenomena in Science which were explained in the article.

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