
3 Branding Must-Haves That Can Give Your Start-Up A Boost

3 Branding Must-Haves That Can Give Your Start-Up A Boost

The initial phase of start-up development is when a company’s brand should be fully fleshed out. When start-ups make the mistake of going on marketing overdrive before discovering their identity, they end up wasting time and opportunities.

Branding is a specialty governed by a mix of constant and shifting variables. When you strike the perfect balance, your brand identity can efficiently reach your target demographic and convert traffic into sales. This is what makes companies like Main & Rose Creative Branding Agency highly relevant to start-ups today. Working with experienced branding specialists can lead to a powerful introduction to your target market and speed up results.

There are 3 particular things you’ll want to focus on to define your company’s identity and set you apart from your competitors.

Control and Consistency

A visual guideline is only part of what makes a brand identity successful. Beautiful logos, websites, and packaging matter, but they’re not the sole determinant of an effective brand.

After finalizing the colors and typography that comprise your identity, the next crucial step is to produce emotional guidelines. This is the tool that will ensure consistency in all your social media campaigns and writing copies.

When your visual and emotional guidelines are cohesive, they will enable you to control how your audience feels about your company, products, and services.

Working with experts like Main and Rose Creative Branding Agency makes it easier to generate an effective brand identity system that will launch your marketing efforts in the right direction.


Purpose breeds influence and influence breeds customers. A start-up can determine its brand purpose by recognizing the value of their products and services. What can you give customers that other companies cannot? What will they miss out on if your company ceases to exist? Once you have the answers to those questions, your marketing campaigns will have a clear direction. Customers will identify you for what you want to be known for, and that makes your brand stick.

Crayola focused on bringing out creativity in every child. Airbnb wants travelers to live like a local wherever they go. Dove advocates “real beauty” and aims to improve people’s self-esteem. What’s yours?

Voice and Tone

The Sprout Social Index revealed that 45{7e0259aaa3060fed66852291a7d473d02e5444f60b251106bbd92dbe50858870} of people unfollow brands due to irrelevant content. It’s not just your photos that should be cohesive, but your written content as well. Voice and tone achieve this by streamlining your style of communication with your consumers. They give your company a personality that can either attract or repel customers. These two go hand-in-hand because your verbal personal must be tempered by the right tone. Your voice could be honest, cheerful, and intelligent, and your tone adjusts the expression of these traits depending on who you are addressing. Above all, they humanize your brand. The less robotic and monotonous you sound, the more authentic you come across. Why does authenticity matter? It’s what drives consumers to remember you in a positive light.

A Well-Rounded Brand

Establishing a well-rounded brand puts your company in a better position to maximize all of its marketing efforts. Because you know exactly who you are, your customers can have confidence in what you have to offer.

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