
When Mom Needs a Timeout


As a mother, you know all too well that some days being in charge of a family can get to you.

Sure, you love your family, but they have a way at times of getting the better of you. When this happens, where do you turn for a little relief?

While you may ask your partner to pitch in a little bit more, what if you are a single mom? Do you have enough energy to get through what can be some taxing times in your life?

When you need a timeout, where in fact can you turn for a little relief?

Find Things to Make You Happy

As much as you enjoy being a mom, you can’t be superwoman 24/7.

So, here are some ideas for a little R&R when it seems as if things are getting a little too out of control:

1. Hire a babysitter or nanny –

Depending on the size of your family, you may sense there is too much going on for you. If that is the case, what about bring aboard some help? Even when married, you may feel like the weight of the world is on you keeping your children healthy and happy. Think about bringing in a babysitter or a nanny. The right one can ease some of the stress you are feeling. They can also form a bond with your kid that will give you a break. Best of all, this does not have to threaten the relationship you have with your little ones.

2. Scale back your workload –

If you work a full-time job, you, in essence, have two jobs that need your full attention. Yes, being a mom on its own is a full-time job. Now, when you are out there earning a living 40 hours a week, things can be even more demanding. See if you can scale back your work to a degree without taking a sizable cut in pay. It may be something as easy as working from home more often if allowed.

3. Have some time for you –

Although the hours can seem difficult to find, how about some time for you? Do things that you more than likely did before you became a full-time mom. This can be a day at the gym or spa, going on a day trip, or even a trip to the salon to get your nails done. In looking at that last option, do you do your nails at home on a regular basis? If so, doing this likely makes you feel good about your hands and feet. While that is fine, make sure you keep your well-being in mind too. Take a look at five free nail polish and how good it can look and feel. One of the advantages of the product is it is free of toxins and chemicals that other products have. Having that beautiful feeling can give you both pride and happiness. With both of those feelings, you should feel more relaxed.

When you need a timeout as a mother, make sure you get it.

Being a more relaxed and happy mom is good for your children and of more note you.

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