
In Need of Cash? Here Are Things You Can Sell


Who would have thought a year ago that the entire world would be on lockdown and the global economy has been dealt a serious blow? Needless to say, millions of people around the world are without a regular income. If you are in need of some cash, here are a few things that you could sell to make ends meet.

1. Unwanted Gifts –

If you have a valuable gift that you have never used, you could advertise this on an online sales platform. You may have other second-hand items that you never use, and by listing them all, you are increasing the amount you will receive. Any clothing item that you don’t wear could be added to the list, and with social media selling groups, you can post for free, so you have nothing to lose.

2. Gold Jewellery –

This would be one of the first items to be sold in the event a person is short of cash. For those that sell gold jewellery in Adelaide, there are great gold bullion dealers such as who will offer the best prices for scrap gold and old jewellery. One must be careful when selling gold in any format, which is why you should locate a reputable gold bullion dealer that would offer you a fair price for your gold.

3. Luxury Watches –

If you have a Rolex, for example, that you hardly wear, now would be a great time to turn it into cash. Of course, if you still have the box, the certificate, and the logbook, so much the better, as this will result in a higher value. When selling a luxury watch, you are advised to get several appraisals, which will ensure you are receiving a fair price for the timepiece.

4. Family Heirloom –

While no one wants to let go of something that has sentimental value, if you really are short of money, you may have little choice. Borrowing will only result in debt as you must pay interest on the loan, and if you do have an item of jewellery that has been handed down in your family, at least have it valued. That way you will know its face value and would be in a position to make an informed decision.

5. IT Hardware –

If you have a gaming laptop or a gadget that you hardly use, this would be quite easy to sell. There are also many people who have high-end smartphones that they never use, and selling it is a better alternative than leaving it in a drawer to gather dust.

Some gold bullion dealers will purchase gold jewellery and perhaps they would also consider a luxury watch or a family heirloom. If you have any other items for sale, social media groups provide the perfect selling platform. Take a good look around the home and you might be surprised at how much stuff you don’t use and could sell.

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