
This Man Quit His 9 to 5 Job to Run an Animal Shelter


How many times have you walked into work on a Monday morning at nine and sworn to yourself that one day, the monotony will end? You read an inspiring story of the odd travel blogger and freelancer who quit their corporate career and are happier than ever. You make up your mind to quit your job to do something more fulfilling, only to back out, fearing the uncertainty of your future.

How Jayanand from Kerala took this very leap of faith

A decade ago, Jay was busy with the average 9 to 5 corporate job. He had a stable source of income but constantly felt something was missing. He nursed a love for animals, especially dogs, but never had the chance to indulge in it. He dreamt of quitting his job to run an animal shelter full-time and that’s exactly what he did.

Self-employment is one of the most common aspirations among corporate employees today. More people dread the monotony of a desk job and dream of being their own boss and setting their own routine. But hardly anybody ever acts upon this thought, out of the fear of spiraling into debt, fearing the uncertainty of an unstable source of income that comes with freelancing.

But with more people shunning the sedentary corporate lifestyle to lead a more passionate one, more initiative and solutions are available today for the aspiring freelancer. Crowdfunding is one. Raising funds with no pressure of payback, for a nominal fee is now possible with the onset of crowdfunding platforms that let you tell your story and build an audience that can make a donation in India, or from anywhere in the world (with a global platform like Impact Guru) to your cause with ease.

This is what Jay from Calicut, Kerala quit his job 10 years ago to build an animal shelter. He has taken as many as 30 dogs at a time under his wing. Currently, he fosters 12 dogs and has managed to save up enough money to move out of his cramped one-acre farm into a far more spacious plot. But Jay hasn’t stopped dreaming there. He plans to build an accommodation facility to host volunteers and a large kitchen and shelters for his furry friends.

For this mammoth project, he will need at least financial aid of at least Rs 3 lakhs. He turns to the internet, to all the other dog lovers out there, hoping to find support for his cause. He runs a fundraising campaign on Impact Guru and he’s not the only one. Thousands of individuals and organizations with humanitarian causes like his have raised the funds they’ve needed for their projects successfully on platforms like Impact Guru. Join the race of crowd funders and spark up a positive change by crowdfunding today!

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