
2 Tips For Making a Resume Perfect


The unemployment rate is 5.8 in America right now.

If you’re in the market for a job, then you already know how exhausting being unemployed can be. All-day long you spend your time making a resume, applying for jobs, attending interviews, and worrying about finances. Even when you do get an interview, it doesn’t instantly mean that a job offer will follow.

If you’re starting to feel discouraged on your hunt for the perfect job, then this article is for you! By perfecting your resume with a few small tweaks, you can get noticed by employers who will be excited to meet you. What’s the secret to writing the perfect resume? Read on to find out!

1. Create a Professional Career Brand

When you’re in the job market, you have to create a brand that represents your identity. For instance, are you the ambitious team leader that’s always improving their ability to motivate others?

Are you the master of numbers, somebody who could take charge of an inventory team and whip it into shape? Do you see yourself as somebody who operates best independently?

If you’re having trouble finding the words to describe yourself to employers, consider investing time with YES Career Coaching & Resume Writing Services. When you have a clearly defined self-brand, it’ll be easier for employers to buy into what you’re all about. You’ll also be able to avoid job offers from positions that aren’t going to be a good fit for your personality and career objectives.

2. Stick to Relevant Job History

Moving on, the next best tip for writing a resume is to use a relevant job history. For instance, if you’re applying for a food service position, you don’t necessarily have to list your office experience. The exception to this rule would be when you’re seemingly irrelevant job experience can cross over into responsibilities you’ll be doing for the job you’re applying for.

A good example of this would be somebody applying for a manager position in the food industry. If this individual had managerial experience in any capacity, even if it’s not food-related, it’d be worth listing on their resume. By listing relevant jobs, you’ll not only be making the employer’s life easier as they skim through your resume, but you’ll also be telling a story.

Making a resume that works is all about appealing to potential employers. Relevant jobs show your interest in the industry and the type of work that you’re applying for.

Whereas irrelevant job listings on your resume can come across as worrisome. Employers might be concerned that you don’t know what you want, and are simply willing to take the next job that comes your way.

On the other hand, a carefully crafted job history, even if it includes gaps, will help strengthen your brand. Employers will get a feel for who you are, and be more likely to call you in for an interview.

Making a Resume That Works

There you have it! A few of the best tips to craft for making a resume that’s sure to get you noticed by the right type of employers. Since narrowing down your job history is one of the hardest things about writing a resume, we suggest you begin there.

Go ahead and list every job you’ve ever had, and then begin to consider which jobs relate to the position you’re going to be applying for. Are you ready for more tips like these? Go ahead and check out the rest of our site!

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