
How to Teach Children about Seasons the Fun Way


Toddlers are curious and learn things fast if the methods are interesting. Once the kids come out of the homes, they are exposed to a number of concepts which they initially simply copy from elders at home without actually knowing the meaning. But, it is the schooling phase where they learn about the concepts the cognitive way and gather knowledge about simple things happening around them.

Of course, we cannot expect them to be comfortable with topics like who discovered America, but the simple things like days of the week or seasons of the year are something they can grasp fast. So, here are some of the ways where teachers (and also parents at home) can adapt to make children well-versed with the seasons.

A. Pictorial charts

Pictures speak way louder than the plain words. A kid, just 4 or 6-year-old, cannot make out written words or read long sentences. But, it can definitely identify the pictures and relate to it easily. Pictorial presentation in the form of charts telling about the weather, clothes worn, eatables (like ice-creams eaten in summer) are best communicated with the help of pictorial presentations.

B. Coloring pages

Books like autumn coloring pages can be of great help in making children more deeply involved with the concept of seasons. A variety of things happening in any season can be presented in the form of outlined figurines and children may be asked to fill them with colors. This works two ways. Children learn about colors, and they also know about the things that are typical to any season. Thus, such coloring pages prove to be quite beneficial for enhancing the general knowledge of children about various seasons.

C. Model making

If the kids are not so small and are at a primary level of education, they can be asked to bring out their crafting skills and make models of various things normally found in various seasons. For example, kids can be asked to make a model of an umbrella as a part of rainy day celebration, or they may be given the task of making an ice-cream cone or a model of a person clad in thermal clothing to learn more about the seasons. The model making is one of the most creative ways of learning about seasons as it encourages kids to come up with interesting ways of presenting any season.

D. Preparing a presentation

Those kids who have learned writing and reading and are comfortable with computers can prepare some presentation sheets containing small write-ups about the seasons. They can speak few lines on them and may present through actions how they would behave and make changes in their lives during any season.

E. Quiz and pamphlet games

Placards carrying some hints about the season can be used to engage children in learning about seasons. Kids can be encouraged to answer questions on the basis of hints provided. Such activities are fun, encourage participation from children and offer complete knowledge in a memorable way to the young learners. Incentives add to the good memories and they are likely to rewind the whole concept of seasons in their minds the moment they take a look at the prize won during such games.

Thus, stimulation and engagement are the two important techniques around which all the options mentioned above revolve. When you want to ditch the boring lectures on seasons and want active participation from kids, such methods can be of great help in meeting the teaching objectives. Try any or all of these and see your kids blooming into knowledgeable individuals. These, certainly, are worth trying and promises good results.

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