
Partial Disability Benefits After an Auto Accident

Partial Disability Benefits After an Auto Accident

In the United States, between 20 and 50 million people are injured in car crashes every year. Many of them experience short- and long-term disabilities.

If you are in an auto accident that leaves you unable to work, you may be eligible for partial disability benefits. This can help you meet your financial obligations until you can work again.

Workers’ compensation laws vary by state. It can be difficult to know where to start and how to go about calculating eligibility.

Once you understand how different federal and state programs work, you can determine the best course of action. Keep reading to find out more.

Common Auto Injuries

There are myriad injuries car accidents can cause that leave people unable to work. For example, traumatic brain injury can lead to short-term memory loss, as well as speech or sensory impairment.

Spinal cord or severe neck or back injury from whiplash is another common one. Broken bones or damage to joints like knees or hips can leave you unable to stand or walk. Each of these might qualify you for disability benefits.

Qualifying for Disability

The federal government administers Security Disability (SSD) benefits. These are for people who have had a permanent injury or ailment.

The main thing to keep in mind with SSD is that the nature of your injury does not factor into whether you qualify. The determining factor is whether you meet the government’s definition of “disabled.”

The short version is that you have a severe mental or physical impairment that has lasted at least a year. You must show that you are unable to work the job you did before the injury. There also is a criterion that your employer cannot train you to perform an alternative task.

The Social Security Administration denies upwards of 70 percent of disability claims. This should not disappoint you, since many cases are successful on appeal. You should be aware that the appeals process can take a long time.

Hiring a qualified disability attorney can help you navigate the ins and outs of a disability application. They also can expedite appeals, should you not receive approval at the outset.

Short-Term Disability

Short-term disability is not available through SSD. It is intended for people who have non-work-related injuries that leave them unable to work for a limited time.

Only certain states fund short-term disability programs. And the duration for which you can claim them vary from state to state.

Partial Disability Benefits

Partial disability benefits come into play when you can do some but not all the responsibilities of your job. One common criterion is that you cannot perform the duties of any occupation for which you have been trained. You can access these benefits through private insurance policies.

local car accident attorney can help you navigate the laws of your state. They will assist you in determining which benefits your auto accident likely qualifies you for.

Find Out More About Partial Disability Benefits

Now that you have an idea of what qualifies you for partial disability benefits, you can determine the next step based on your unique circumstances. Contact a reputable car accident lawyer who can help you access the disability benefits to which you are entitled.

We hope this information was helpful to you. If so, be sure to check out some of our other posts on business, education, finance, health, and many other topics.

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