
Choose Just the Right Capacity Load Cell for Your Application with These Guidelines!


To ensure precise weighing results, correct load application on load cells is actually a prerequisite. Well, load application can be influenced by numerous factors including a support structure, load direction, mounting aids, and so forth.

Load cells must only a be used in specified load direction. The load direction is usually identified on numerous HBM load cells by an arrow. Before selecting any load cells for a particular application, the user must verify whether it is actually possible to get sensible results from planned weighing system or not. Read on to know what things you need to take care of while choosing load cells.

Well, it isn’t possible for typical weighing system having capacity of around 80,000 pounds to weigh in the increments of around 1 pound. The strain gauge load cells must never be expected to work over minimum repeatable or stable weight increment of around 1/10,0000th of load capacity.

Check out the characteristics

Make sure to look out for the key characteristics that can define your requirements. Do you have just static load or dynamic one? Define even the mounting type. How can you mount this kind of load cell? Know what the direction of your load is. Is it compression, tension, or both?

Define your size requirements

The next step here is determining your size requirements that can include length, height, weight, and width. The specification requirements must also be defined here that can include bridge resistance, output, hysteresis, resolution, frequency response, and so forth. Some of the other characteristics that you should consider are cryogenic, submersible, redundant or multiple bridges, high temperature, etc.

If you require an instrument for your particular application, choose the instrument at same time at which you select load cell. It will help you in ensuring the compatibility of the complete measurement system. Moreover, purchase the system calibration with your complete order. This will integrate your instrument and sensor as one full system.

The above tips are guidelines that point you towards right direction when it comes to selecting sensor. Make sure to find a reliable sensor manufacturer that has enough experience as well as resources you require.

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