
The Leading Florida


The Bones Valley, also known as the Rio de la Paz basin, is located about 30 miles east of Southwest Florida and the Tampa Bay area. The basin of the He pen River includes the inhabitants of Hardy, Hillsborough, and parts of the Polk district, of which phosphate rock is used for the production of agricultural fertilizers. Florida currently holds the largest phosphate deposits known in the United States.

A look from space

The area, full of fresh aquifers, has a clear difference from the beautiful lakes and natural blue lakes in Florida. These huge square pits are artificial craters excavated with phosphate cables to dig a hundred feet of phosphate from Florida’s natural water supply.

The water supply is in the form of a groundwater table or “aquifer system”. Google Maps clearly shows that phosphate cables were stripped and marked with a full square mile of only phosphorites in southwest Florida.

the term “coating layer” in the phosphate industry is the people of the Lakers, ponds, trees, grasses, grass, rivers, natural spring water, the aquifer system, and others better known in the basin. Thousands of acres are “overloaded” over a month of work.

These huge draglines dig a cave at a depth of one hundred feet, and then crush and completely destroy the natural system of the aquifer of Florida. An unlimited amount of water that is no longer contained in aquifer systems can fill new phosphate pits in southwest Florida.

At the time of this writing, the phosphate mining industry has continued to acquire thousands of square miles of key wetlands, aquifer systems, and watersheds to extract the contents.

Everything happened with permission in Florida and the county because they issued permits for the assignment of phosphate mines. Unfortunately, these permits allow mining of the phosphate industry in the rich geography of Florida, including the unique aquifer system in Florida.

The aquifer system in Florida took thousands of years, and many now completely extinct. Phosphate of Florida is more valuable than the watersheds of Florida and aquifers? The politics of Florida and the extraction of phosphate rocks say that this is every day. (2) The Florida Environmental Protection Agency said: “In 2000, Florida exported 1.13 billion dollars. The USA into a phosphate fertilizer, which is one of the leading Florida Chukoshingspin. “

Phosphate wire in action

US Geological Society UU (USGS) believes that cables can be hundreds of feet high and weigh hundreds of tons. A huge cable ladle accommodates 65 cubic meters of overload and completely fills up to 10 standard dump trucks. The tow cable removes up to 100 feet of coating called the phosphate industry. Unfortunately, the first 60 feet of the planet have the true treasure of Florida.

The lid is simply discarded, which results in a “phosphate stack”. These spoons are located on the side of the so-called “phosphate well”. Phosphorus pit seems to contradict the natural beauty of the lunar landscape of Florida. Phosphate mining operates 365 days a year in the heart of southwest Florida. The Florida phosphate industry ruthlessly eliminated overload and caused irreparable damage to the aquifer system in Florida.

Watersheds and aquifers

The Heping River basin covers 2,300 square miles in the southwestern part of Florida. It contains most of the phosphate rock industry in Florida, including the Valley of Bones. As mentioned above, the phosphate mining company uses excavators to remove the soil surface (called the cover layer) from a depth of one hundred feet to thousands of acres of a continuous aquifer system, other than Florida.

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