
Coding in the Classroom Can Excite Your Students about Learning


Macro Connect, an IT company from Detroit, Michigan is helping teachers learn about the importance of digital learning. Getting students involved in programming can be beneficial for teachers and students alike. In today’s world, the internet reigns supreme, and not educating our students about current technology could end up having dire consequences on our society, and leave us falling behind in the computer science field.

The Importance of Technology in a Digital Age

Computers and mobile devices are used in every corner of the world, and these devices have become a staple in many learning environments. Teaching your students through technology can be a powerful tool that can help spark interest and engagement. Programming has the capabilities to let students use their imagination to build almost anything they want in a digital environment, and this kind of learning can help them grow as students, and as individuals.

Inspiring Your Students

As most of you probably know, most children are fascinated by computers, and helping them gain access to technical knowledge like programming can help make learning fun again for most students. There are several ways to help and inspire your students to get involved in programming, and if your school already has classes dedicated to this type of learning, then I suggest several different ways to make this type of learning seem more like fun rather than learning.

Preparing Students for Future Jobs

Think about the job market of today, and compare it to what it was fifteen or twenty years ago. Did you know that only twenty percent of our entire country’s population works in manufacturing? There are more jobs involving computers, programming especially than there ever was, and those numbers are only expected to increase as time goes on. Recent statistics actually show that by the time 2020 comes around; over seventy-seven percent of jobs in the United States will require a computer. If we don’t get on the bandwagon now and teach our children all we can about programming, and about computers, then there is no question that they will not be prepared for the world around them.

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