
11 Amazingly Useful (And Fun) Apps for Seniors


Technology has no limits. In fact, it’s difficult to avoid these days. Check out the best apps for seniors that will keep you (or them) safe and entertained.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new methods? Plenty of older adults take advantage of technology today.

In fact, a Pew Research poll revealed that about 70 percent of adults over age 65 use the Internet. Around 53 percent of seniors own a smartphone.

App creators recognize this trend and many are designing apps for people like you. You can find tools for any number of tasks related to healthcare, navigation, travel, and calendars/reminders.

What are some of the most popular iPhone apps for seniors? Here is our review of the best apps that you should check out.

1. iBP Blood Pressure App

Many apps for the elderly revolve around healthcare, which makes sense. High blood pressure is one of the most common chronic conditions among seniors.

iBP allows you to document and monitor your blood pressure so you can go see your doctor if needed. All you have to do is enter your readings each time you take your blood pressure. The app then uses color graphics to reveal trends and alert you about any abnormalities.

2. Medisafe

Some apps for the elderly can help keep you healthy and safe. You probably take several different medications, and keeping track of your pill schedule can be difficult. Medisafe allows you to set alarms that will notify you when it’s time to take each medication.

It also gives warnings about medications that should not be taken together and sends an alert when it’s time to refill your prescriptions. Family members and caregivers can be added to the account so they receive the alerts, too.

3. Google Map Parking Lot Reminder

Ever forgotten where you parked? You’re not alone. Honestly, it can happen to anyone, not just seniors. Google Maps added a feature that allows you to turn on the “know where you parked” button within the app. Apple Maps offers a similar feature if you have an iPhone.

When the feature is turned on, it will drop a blue dot on your parking spot. This way you can find your car when you come out again.

4. Pillboxie

This app gives a modern twist to the old-fashioned pillbox. It’s very useful in helping you remember to take your medications. Once the app has been downloaded, you simply enter each medication and when it should be taken.

This is another app that can be useful for family and caregivers so they can make sure no medications are missed.

5. Magnifying Glass With Light

Sure, you can use an old-fashioned magnifying glass, but what if it’s dark or you’re not home? This app turns your iPhone screen into a lighted magnifying glass. It’s one of the best magnifier apps out there.

Use it to read menus in a dark restaurant, labels on pill bottles, recipe cards, magazines or newspapers, your mail or anything that is too difficult for reading glasses alone.

The light feature can be programmed to come on automatically in dim light.

6. Dragon Dictation

Many authors use this app to dictate their books, but it can be useful if you have trouble writing due to arthritis or hand tremors. The app uses voice recognition software to record your thoughts. Talk into the phone and Dragon will record and then write out what you said.

It’s great for making notes to yourself, remembering your grocery or “to do” list, or dictating a poem or favorite passage from a book.

7. WebMD

WebMD is one of the most popular medical sites on the Internet. This app lets you research a particular condition. You can learn about symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment options, and medications.

Another useful feature is the over-the-counter tool that lets you look up side effects and negative interactions with certain medications or foods/drinks.

8. Words With Friends 2

It’s easy to get lonely, especially if you’re not as mobile as you used to be. That’s not good for your mental health and overall wellbeing.

Words With Friends 2 is similar to Scrabble. It is a fun game that can also help you maintain brain function, keeping you sharp and alert. The screen displays a board and letters that you need to arrange into words.

You can play alone or with friends and family. It’s even possible to set up teams.

9. Fall Detector

As you age, your balance and strength can become compromised due to illness or certain health conditions like osteoporosis. This can lead to a higher risk of dangerous falls, bone fractures, and long hospital stays.

Around 646,000 people around the world die from falls. In the U.K., around 1.8 million people end up in the hospital because of hip fractures, which are often the result of falls.

The danger can become even more serious if you live alone and are unable to call for help. The Fall Detector app will send an alert to family members or caregivers to let them know that you may have fallen if you go for a longer-than-normal period without moving.

10. HomeAway

Here’s a bonus app that is just for fun. HomeAway is a convenient vacation booking website. The app lets you browse through photos and listings and then book a place to stay.

The app works even if you are not connected to the Internet, allowing you to access passwords, check-in instructions, and other information.

If you own a second home or vacation property, you can also use HomeAway to rent it out.

11. Duplicate Photo Finder Apps

Here’s one more bonus suggestion. It is easier than ever to take pictures with your phone. However, you often wind up with duplicate pictures that you don’t want.

The best way to find duplicates is with an app like Gemini or InBoard. These apps will help you find and get rid of unwanted duplicates. This also helps free up space on your phone so you don’t go over your storage limit.

Try These Smartphone Apps for Seniors 

Rather than fear or resent technology, why not embrace it? These apps for seniors can enhance your life and protect your health. They can even be fun, so don’t be afraid to take advantage of modern tools.

Be sure to explore our website for more essential advice and information for seniors and caregivers.

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