Dental Care

Warning Signs That You May Need To Have A Tooth Extracted

Warning Signs That You May Need To Have A Tooth Extracted

Life without our teeth is not as pleasurable, and it can affect the way we talk and the foods we eat, so we need to look after our pearly whites to keep them in excellent condition. However, there can come a time when the best course of action when having problems is to remove a tooth, which is always a last resort. 

Below are some warning signs that you need to be aware of that can mean you need to get a tooth extracted, so you know what to look for and can visit your dentist at the earliest opportunity.

Chronic Tooth Pain

There can be many causes of tooth pain, and it is not always a precursor to tooth extraction. You may have overly sensitive teeth, or you have a cavity that can cause the pain you are experiencing. However, if you suffer from severe tooth pain and have already visited the best dentist in Brisbane or in the city where you are residing to look at it for you, you may need to have it extracted. 

If you are still experiencing pain after a root canal, filling, or dental crown, there may be an underlying issue which means the tooth needs to be taken out. If the tooth is too severely damaged or gets infected, it is sometimes best to remove it and prevent many problems and much discomfort for the patient.

Gum Disease

If you have started to develop gum disease, this can also be a sign that you may need to have a tooth extracted. It is caused by a bacterium that begins to eat away at the bones that support the teeth in your mouth and eventually rotting them. The process of this happening can take a while and can also be very painful, so if you are in this situation, it is often best to remove the offending tooth and prevent the pain and discomfort.

A Severely Chipped Or Broken Tooth

If you damage your teeth, it can also lead to having it extracted when it is beyond repair for your dentist. If you have an accident and get injured, the damage to your teeth can be so bad that your dentist cannot fix it and must take the tooth out instead, especially if it breaks below the gum line.

Overcrowded Teeth

You sometimes find that there is not enough space in your gums for your teeth to sit correctly, and the mouth is overcrowded. In cases like this, you often find that the tooth must be taken out to give the rest of the teeth enough space to sit correctly in the mouth. Problems that can occur from overcrowding include:

  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Tooth Decay
  • Difficulty Chewing
  • Gum Disease

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

We no longer require our wisdom teeth, and they can often cause complications when they start erupting from the gums. It can be painful if you experience an impacted wisdom tooth. The offending tooth and the opposite one will also need to be extracted. Removing an impacted wisdom tooth is the best course of action and will resolve the issue quickly.

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