
What Trends in Cloud BI Tells Us about Data Literacy

What Trends in Cloud BI Tells Us about Data Literacy

Every year, technology teams spend countless hours in research and development. They’re constantly analyzing data to look for trends that could help further improve their product or service. 

Whether you use usage data or user experience data, Domo consulting experts can help you measure everything they can to drive their business objectives forward.

Data Provides Insights

Data provides insights that can help companies make important decisions, but only if shared with the team and used correctly. It requires a certain level of understanding for each person who accesses the data. If they don’t know how to read it or use the information, the data will be useless.

BI Tools Have Empowered Companies

The evolution of BI tools has empowered companies to access and analyze their data like never before. Not only are organizations able to pull more data than ever before, but they can also leverage this information in ways that were unimaginable only a few years ago.

The Rise of Cloud BI

This has led to the rise of cloud BI, which is increasing in popularity at an exponential rate. More and more organizations are choosing to move their platforms to the cloud because it makes them more flexible, scalable and eliminates the need for an IT team.

The recent increase in cloud BI tools also coincides with the rise in data literacy. If companies move to the cloud, they need employees who understand how to use their data properly. They’ll need people who can read the information and provide insights that will help improve their business.

Data Literacy Enables Decision-Making

Data literacy is becoming an essential factor for companies worldwide, mainly because it empowers them to make the right decisions. 

Employees who know how to use data will handle any situation because they can access the information and easily decipher it. Unfortunately, not every organization uses BI tools correctly. 

The majority of employees lack the necessary skill set needed to analyze and interpret their data, which means they cannot make informed decisions. 

When organizations first started implementing BI tools, they could only access a small amount of data. These tools have allowed employees with varying levels of data literacy to read the information and get valuable insights from it.

More Personalization

As cloud BI tools have grown in popularity, more organizations have added different metrics into their reports. Not every person who has access to these reports knows how to read them, which means there’s a lack of data literacy across the board.

Only time will tell how this trend continues to evolve, but one thing is for sure: companies need to give their employees training with the help of Domo consulting experts on how to use BI tools correctly. Training ensures every person has the necessary skillset and can make accurate business decisions based on the data. 

We can’t expect that people will be able to read these reports on their own. Employees need training that allows them to understand how to use cloud BI tools correctly. 

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