
How to Improve Your Dog’s Digestive Comfort

How to Improve Your Dogs Digestive Comfort

Dogs rely on owners to supply nutritional and lifestyle support that foster good digestive health. Nevertheless, bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and flatulence plague many canines. Tailoring their diet, activity, environment and healthcare regimes enhances digestive comfort, vitality and resilience. Determine optimal adjustments through trial and error.

Identifying Food Intolerances

Food allergies and sensitivities commonly generate digestive unrest in dogs. Trouble processing ingredients like grains, preservatives, proteins and texturizers causes inflammation within intestinal walls. This leads to nutrient malabsorption, bloody stools, vomiting and diarrhea. The people at Nextrition say that the best natural dog food for gas problems typically contains highly digestible proteins and limited fermentable ingredients that reduce intestinal gas production. Some pets fare better long term with homemade meals following recipes that meet canine nutritional standards.

Incorporating Supplemental Digestive Aids

Circumventing conditions like exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and inflammatory bowel disease relies partially on adding digestive enhancers into a dog’s diet. Supplements containing probiotics restore healthy gut flora destroyed by infection or antibiotics to reduce inflammation and normalize stool quality. Prebiotics provide fuel for beneficial microbes. Digestive enzymes break complex carbohydrates, fats and plant matter into easily absorbed simple compounds to facilitate improved nutritional extraction. Anti-gas products with simethicone allow easier expulsion of air swallowed during rapid eating, which exacerbates reflux and bloating.

Discouraging Speed Eating

Dogs prone to bolting meals exhibit elevated risk for choking, regurgitation, gas and abdominal discomfort. Elevated feeders place bowls at chest height to promote slower intake gravity assists. Dividing daily portions into multiple smaller meals in puzzle toys/dispensers provides mental and physical stimulation while preventing rushed gorging. Hand feeding kibble as training treats also stretches out consumption times. Apply these techniques under supervision until dogs display consistently calmer, more deliberate eating habits. Gradually withdrawing adjustments ensures gains endure long-term.

Exercising After Eating

Letting dogs vigorously run, play and chase toys immediately after eating traps gases in stomach compartments and promotes reflux, vomiting, bloating and potentially deadly gastric dilation volvulus. Require resting 30-60 minutes post-meals to facilitate digestion prior to rigorous activity. Mild walking prevents begging behaviors and stimulates gut motility to ease waste elimination without jostling contents excessively. Positively reinforce good waiting behaviors like lying calmly on beds. Apply further activity restrictions for extra-large breed dogs prone to deadly twisting stomachs.

Accessing Clean Water Sources

Ensuring dogs consistently access clean, debris-free water prevents dangerous dehydration, exacerbating constipation woes. Bowl placement determines drinking frequency, so position multiples near food stations, resting areas and entryways. Choose non-tip, non-plastic styles. Refresh contents at least twice daily. Wash thoroughly weekly using bottle brushes to remove biofilm accumulation. Foul standing water causes avoidance, bladder infections and possible toxin ingestion. Outdoor pots fitted with circulating filters and fountains entice drinking while combating leaves, dirt intake and mosquito breeding risks. Bring water on walks to reduce overheating and mud puddle drinking temptations.

Visiting Vets Annually

Routine veterinary exams allow early identification of brewing digestive issues like parasitic infections, foreign body obstructions, organ dysfunction and cancers, which enable rapid response before severe symptoms manifest. Request comprehensive bloodwork, including chemistry panels assessing gastrointestinal health. Discuss any elimination diet intentions to ensure balance. Have vets demonstrate stomach massage techniques to utilize at home when dogs display discomfort. Scheduling dental cleanings prevents bacteria accumulating on tartar from descending intestines following meals. Senior dogs require biannual visits to address newly emerging health factors influencing digestion.


Caring dog owners make digestive wellness top priority through proactive measures improving comfort. They identify intolerances early, introduce digestive aids, slow eating pace, properly time exercise, maintain hydration, get annual vet checkups and secure trash. Prioritizing digestive health adds years to a dog’s life through owner vigilance and care.

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